Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Let's Play a Little Game of "What Happens When...?"

So what happens when you mix

a 13 year old adventurous young lad

A Bike

A Road

A truck on the wrong side of that road coming straight for that adventurous bike riding 13 year old boy?

Well ........

That's right, you get a broken arm and a boy who has been told he can not play soccer, participate in PE or even run for at least the next 3 weeks..

Yeah, his Dad wonders how much he paid the doctor to say he couldn't work out or even run.


  1. Poor CJ! I'm glad only his arm is injured. Man...what a scary situation.

    CJ...make sure you find some cute girls at school to carry your books for you. That's when Stan and I started going leg was broken and he carried my books for me! (9th grade, by the way)

  2. That is so cute... I am sure he would LOVE to have some cute girl carrying his books!! I can just see Stan helping you.... Makes me smile!!

  3. Oh my goodness CJ! I am so glad that you are ok...of course, your arm might argue with that comment...if it could argue.
    Is the bike still in perfect shape?!?!...I don't see anything bent or broken!
    Oh...and I can't look at that picture of him lying in the makes me sick every time I scroll over it. I think I will just lock my computer on the top pic. Such a cutie!

  4. Jess, to make you feel better, he is actually laying in our driveway. I couldn't bring myself to have him lay in the road. ha

  5. Poor CJ! Glad you are OK. That cast will be helpful in getting you out of lots of things. I know because a boy that lived at my house had one, but it was during the heat of the summer so no swimming...but it is amazing what you can do with those little plastic bags that protect your newspaper from rain....and an inner ya, paula

  6. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Oh my Goodness! Poor Baby! I'm so sorry!! If you lived closer I would back you some cookies. I hope it gets better quick and I'm glad it was just your arm and not your neck. Love ya, Pam
